100 Days In Office :  NMA Hails Oyebanji For Fixing Ekiti Township Roads’

– promises greater partnership
The leadership of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) has rejoiced with the Ekiti State governor, Mr Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji on the occasion of his 100days in office .
A statement signed by Dr. Babatunde O. Rosiji and Dr Moses B. Dada ,the
Chairman and the Secretary, of NMA Ekiti State respectively said the governor’s achievements in the first 100 days closely showed that he mesrnt well for the state .
The NMA acknowledged  the governor’s prompt interventions in the areas of the hitherto deplorable condition of  township roads and payment of workers salaries.
The medical practitioners also pledged to join hands  with Mr  governor, in spite of  the heat of the brain drain bedeviling the health sector ,to serve the people and  deliver the much needed  dividends of democracy to the good people of  the State.
” The  governor during the  period you have demonstrated a genuine love and compassion for the of Ekiti .
“We  bring you warm greetings from the State Officers’ Committee (SOC), State Executive council (SEC), and the entire members of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) Ekiti state branch.” the statement reads in part.
The statement  said governor Oyebanji had demonstrated  a strong will  to stabilize the health sector in Ekiti State by devoting a  substantial segment of his New Year message  on the subject matter.
 “We know that Ekiti is lucky to have you as Governor at this critical moment and we pray that God Almighty grant you all it takes to make Ekiti proud again.
“We wish to congratulate you on your first 100 days in office as our dear Governor.
” Some of your achievements include the prompt rehabilitation of roads within the State and the prompt payment of workers’ salaries.
” We belief that your name will be written in gold after piloting the affairs of the State as ordained by God. We congratulate you and pray to God for more guidance.” It stated.

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