2023:  Atiku- Okowa Coalition Launched  In Ekiti  – Sentiments can’t  wash away  APC’s sins against Nigerians – group says  


Supporters of the former Vice President and People’s Democratic Party(PDP) Presidential candidate, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar  in Ekiti State have vowed that no amount sentiment would save the ruling all Progressives Congress(APC) from defeat in the 2023 poll.
The PDP stakeholders  maintained this position at the  official launch of group with  the acronym Coalition for Atiku-Okowa, Ekiti  State chapter.
Members of the group renewed their commitment towards ensuring the victory of Atiku and his runningmate ,Okowa at the poll..
A former member of the House of Representatives, Hon Yemi Arokodare and former PDP Governorship aspirant, Kayode Adaramodu  were the conveners.
The ceremony was the biggest event  held by the PDP  since its defeat in the Jube 18 Governorship poll. The participants said they had put the unfortunate episode behind but shall work harder to regain power st the centre.
The event also served as a unifying platform for PDP as supporters of the various power blocs within the party graced the occasion.
Speaking at the  Atiku-Okowa  campaign building located at GRA, Ado Ekiti, Arokodare, said the zone had not been known to play ethnic card  in politics as reflected in the trajectory of elections in the country.

Arokodare added: “The people of the Southwest will never be swayed by sentiments, but with issues because Nigerians voted for former President Olusegun Obasanjo and Vice President Yemi Osinbajo without looking at the content of their ethnicity.

“The Southwest is a sophisticated zone and we shall let the APC reap what it has sowed in Nigeria in the last seven years. We do not doubt that Nigerians are ready to vote out APC because our people have been betrayed by the party in which they invested their trust, but failed. Never again.

“It has become necessary to remind the purveyors of sentiments in the Southwest that our candidate, Vice President Atiku Abubakar is married to our amazon in the region, Mrs Titi Atiku by virtue of marriage , friendship and relationship, Atiku is our son in the Southwest , and he had demonstrated that over the years”.

Arokodare added that no amount of sentiments can wash away the APC’s sins, regretting that the party had in the last seven years led Nigeria into extreme poverty, terrorism and deaths, joblessness and hopelessness.

“All progressives from all parties, PDP, APC, SDP , LP and others who are desirous to see the end of poverty, killings , joblessness and division in our midst are in this coalition to work for Abubakar Atiku to win the 2023 presidency and rescue Nigeria from this dangerous state.

“APC is our common enemy; it has lady many Nigerians into the captivity of terrorists and extreme poverty and we must get rid of them in 2023”.

Another Co-convener and former PDP governorship aspirant in Ekiti, Mr. Kayode Adaramodu, appealed to the Southwest not to allow sentiment becloud their reasoning in chosing the right President that would lead the country out of the present parlous situation.

A former banker posited that the 2023 is not the time for people to start expressing unnecessary emotions that can plunge the nation into more chaotic situation, saying people must think of how the country can be rescued from APC’s misrule.

He said: “Our next President must be rugged, ready to take insults, ready to make sacrifices and be there for the people. He must be both mentally and physically fit. He must be firm and flexible and above all, he must be well prepared for the task ahead.

“Where can you find such an individual? It is only in PDP. His Excellency, Alhaji Abubakar Atiku is a masterplanner and dogged executor, he is the answer .

“Going into the election with a talented silent achiever like the former Vice President and Ifeanyi Okowa will make the winning easier, because they are both marketable.

“Posterity will judge us very harshly if we squander this golden opportunity to rescue our people from the present deep and multifaceted disorders. Let us join hands together with likeminds within and outside our party to win for these eminent Nigerians in 2023. With determination, it is doable”, Adaramodu said.

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