Call for Interim Government: Be On Alert- Ekiti Elders tell DSS ,others 

The Ekiti Council of Elders has called on the Department of State Services(DSS) and other security agencies to be on alert and not to take the call for interim government as a joke .
The elders described the call for Interim National Government as not only unconstitutional, but alien to Nigeria constitution.
A statement  signed by its President Prof Joseph Oluwasanmi and the Secretary Elder Niyi Ajibulu admonished politicians to stop activities capable of creating a state of anarchy.
On the  state of the nation, with particular regard to the February 25 presidential elections ,the council viewed with concern some extra Judicial activities of political parties and some unpatriotic elements capable of plunging Nigeria into crisis.
The council also  implored the law enforcement agencies to be alert and ensure that the peace of the nation is not jeopardized under any guise whatsoever”
The Council said: “Its worried that the Department of State Security (DSS) has openly confirmed the nefarious intention to subvert the transition process and our fledgling democracy with their cruel calls for the cancellation of a free and credible election and for the oddity of an interim national government.
“For the survival of the nation, the Council of Elders urges all concemed not to allow tribal, sectional or individual interests to undermine the corporate existence of the country.
“In as much as the relevant authority has concluded the presidential election and declared a winner, the civilized option for any well-meaning citizen that feels aggrieved is to explore legal avenues for redress.
“The country belongs to all Nigerians. Therefore, casting aspersions and name calling against the Yoruba or any tribe for that matter is unacceptable, as it will continue to generate bad blood, distrust and gaping fault lines in the polity.

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