Forum of Africa Region : Fayemi’s  Presidency will boost Ekiti image in black continent- Alawe  

Former chairman of the Ekiti State Council of Traditional Rulers and Alawe of Ilawe-Ekiti Oba Adebanji Ajibade Alabi has rejoiced with governor Kayode Fayemi on his election as  the President  Forum of Regions of Africa ,( FORAF) .
Oba Alabi who congratulated the Governor on his election as the Leader of the forum which took place in Morocco on 9th August 2022, noted that Dr Fayemi would perform wonderfully well in the new office as he has been doing in his capacity as the Chairman of the Nigeria Governors Forum .
The fioresmost traditional ruler, in a release by his  Media Adviser to Alawe.High Chief Ajibade Olubunmi noted that the governor’s new status would not only add value to Ekiti but would certainly lift the image of the state in the Africa continent .
The monarch  described  Fayemi’s  election as a recognition of his invaluable administrative acumen and stainless leadership as the Chairman of Nigeria Governors Forum(NGF)
“Dr Kayode Fayemi is very cerebral and gifted with political sagacity which always propel him to high places, I have no doubt that he will  do well as the President of the organization”. Oba Alabi said.
Oba Alabi further observed that  the election of the Governor of Ekiti State, as  the President of FORAF among other contestants from several countries in Africa has also boosted  the Image of Ekiti State in Africa .
He prayed that God would continue to order the steps of  the Ekiti State Governor.

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