Happening now  Foremost Ekiti Monarchs  Stormed Ilawe  As  Oba Alabi  conferred Akorewolu title on Fayemi’s wife 

The Alawe of Ilawe-Ekiti, Oba Ajibade Alabi  has conferred the honorary title of Akoreeolu of Ilawe kingdom on the wife of Ekiti State governor, Erelu Bisi .
The colourful  ceremony held  at the Alawe palace attracted dignitaries from far and near.
Oba Alabi in his remarks said the honour was a mark of appreciation for the goodness of the Fayemi’s administration to Ilawe people .
Alawe disclosed that Ilawe- kingdom enjoyed an unprecedented  independence under Fayemi’s administration adding that it was during the tenure that he assumed the prestigious Chairman of Ekiti State Council of Traditional Rulers.
In her acceptance speech Mrs Fayemi  thanked Ilawe-Ekiti for the honour and for acknowledging the various interventions  of the government in the community.
She disclosed that Ekiti and Ilawe Ekiti in particular would enjoy more dividends of democracy under the incoming administration of Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji
Amongst the dignitaries were Onisan of Isan,Attah of Ayede,Onitaji of Itaji ,and Alare of Are-Ekiti .
Also the former  deputy ,current  and incoming deputy governors  were in attendance.

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