Inside life : How 29 year-old Boy beheads  parents for Money Making  rituals 


Quest for crazy wealth has pushed a 29-yearold suspected “Yahoo Boy ” to behead his parents for money making rituals purposes.

The suspect Kenneth was  caught with two human heads inside a bag, the two human head is said to be that of his mother and father.

It was learnt that the suspect”s parents had been declared missing about a month ago until the suspect was caught.
The suspect who was almost lynched by angry mob was caught on his way to the herbalists.

Upon  interrogations he confessed to have ganged up with his friends who introduced him into ritual making to kidnap his father and mother, killed them inside the forest and cut of their heads to be used for ritual purposes.

The boy who was brutally beaten by angry mob after his confession said the only way he could take his parents heads to the herbalist was to carry it inside a school bag to avoid been caught.

He ran out of luck on his way while heading to the herbalist house not knowing that he was followed by one of his family members who immediately drew the attention of a vigilante member to check the content of the bag. While he was been checked two human heads were discovered.

The boy was immediately handed over to the police.

The State Police Public Relations Officer who confirmed the sad incident said he was shocked when he heard the news and how heartless a child can be to his parents who brought him to the world.

He will be charged to court as soon as investigations are concluded by the police.

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