Story of Northern Governor  Abubakar  Rimi Who First Declared May 1st ,Workers’Day In Nigeria

Do you know that May 1st was first declared as Workers Day by a Northern Governor? We celebrate May Day as a work free day every year in Nigeria but forget to celebrate the late Abubakar Rimi the then PRP Governor of Kano state and a member of the Progressive Governors Forum in the Second Republic who first declared May-1 as a public holiday in Nigeria in 1982; amidst criticisms and condemnation by the members of the then ruling NPN that Rimi’s action was aimed at inciting the Nigerian Workers against the then Federal Government headed by Alhaji Shehu Shagari.
 Interestingly, the government declared May Day as a national work free day the following year in an attempt to ensure that Rimi and the other progressive governors who had decided to adopt Rimi’s initiative did not take political advantage of the situation.
Today, May Day is a national holiday in Nigeria in line with other countries of the world. Thanks to the revolutionary decision by the late Alhaji Abubakar Rimi.May his patriotic soul rest in perfect peace. Wish Nigerian Workers a rewarding May Day.

The Second republic politician died in 2010. There was  no confirmation of the exact cause of his death .

 A source  hinted Alhaji Rimi was attacked by gunmen in his house and shot but that he died of heart attack.

In January 2006 gunmen believed to be assasins killed his wife at his home. The case took a strange twist when his son was arrested and charged for killing his wife, he was later released before the police commenced trial.

One thought on “Story of Northern Governor  Abubakar  Rimi Who First Declared May 1st ,Workers’Day In Nigeria

  1. Late Abubakar Romi the first second Republic Governor of Kano state is one of greatest visionary, focus, committed and selfless Governor of his time. He has introduced many policies and programmes that are centres on developing the life of Rural dwellers and vigorously pursued those policies and programmes to an appreciable level. May his gentle soul continue to enjoy eternal peace, Amen

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