Weird :  My Father  Rewards  Me For Every Act of Kidnapping – 22-year-old Female suspect confesses 

A  22-year-old  female kidnapper  suspect ,Adeola Omoniyi, has revealed how she received support and reward from her father in the business of kidnapping.

The suspect ,who specialises in abduction of children disclosed that she receives as much as N30,000 from her  father, one  Ilesanmi Omoniyi,for each  act abduction .

She  also confessed  to be behind  the series of abduction of children  in communities in Ondo State in the past two years.
According to the suspected kidnapper, who was paraded at the police headquarters alongside her father, she was apprehended at Ore in Odigbo Local Government Area of Ondo State while on her third mission.

Confessing how she had been carrying out the crime, she said “I’m a kidnapper. I do kidnap little children and I always deliver them to my father in his house at Igbotako. I was successful with the first two children I took but I was caught with the third one.

“After delivering the kids to my father, he used to give me N30,000 for each operation. I do use the money to take care of myself. I don’t know what he normally use the children for. All I do is just to take them to him.

“He was the one that told me to always bring the children to him. I picked the first child from Ilutitun and the from Ilowo.

“It was when I was taking the child away that the mother raised alarm.
People gathered to beat me and I was taken to the police station before I was moved to Akure.

“I have been doing the business for about two years. The first one was in 2021 and the second one this year. I always ask the children when they are alone that where are they going and I hold their hand and they will follow me.”

However, the father of the suspected criminal who said that her daughter lied against him, #tated that she had been battling mental issue.

“My daughter used to stay in Lagos. She used about two years in Lagos. She got sick and they brought her to me in Igbotako. She was stacked naked when they brought her to me.

“I later took her to a church where the pastor said I should pay N80,000. I sold my cassava and I paid the pastor. He later told me that she is better but few days after he called again that he could not find her as she had left the church.

“I’m the one that she used to bring the kids to. I have never given her N30,000. It was six months after she left the church that we have been looking for her that I heard that she went to steal a child.”

Meanwhile, the Police Public Relations Officer in the state, SP Funmi Odunlami, maintained that the suspects would be charged to court after conclusion of investigation.

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