Buhari Ignoring  World Bank, IMF Warnings on Currency Swap  – Ganduje 

Kamo  State governor , Dr Umar Ganduje has taken a swipe at President Muhammadu Buhari  over alleged grandstanding  on the currency swipe crisis.
Ganduje in a viral audio tape  expressed  worried that even World Bank, IMF and other financial Institutions have advised the President to be wary of the negative impact of the policy on the poor masses but he(Buhari)  turned deaf ears.
Angry Ganduje said” This Currency Swap Policy, why didn’t the President bring it seven and a half years ago or after elections, but now one must be compelled to think that there is an ulterior motive in the whole thing.”

“the President should remember that this is a democratic setting that allows popular voice and leaders to listen to advice and adhere strictly to those advice.

“I wonder why the President is hellbent in making the same Party that helped him to win elections lose out, what did we do to him that he is this ignorant on several advice forwarded to him”.

“This same Buhari he contested again and again but he couldn’t win not until there was an alliance, now he wins and win again for the second term, but now that he is living, he wants to cripple the same Party that brought him to power why? Ganduje said .

Ganduje, who somehow exonerated the CBN Governor, Goodwin Emefiele, said, “the CBN Governor don’t know anything; you now set the Nation Apex Bank on fire with this policy” in apparent concern on why he said Buhari wants the APC to lose the election.

This came  to light days after Governor Nasir El-Rufai alleged that he had lost confidence in the kind of leadership that is now about President Buhari.

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