NBA Conference : How  Shettima  Fooled   Nigerians  Mocking Him – Reno OMOKRI 

Former aide of former President Goodluck Jonathan, Reno Omokri has said that the All Progressives Congress(APC) Presidential runningmate ,Senator Kassim Shettima may have made the huge political gains from the the just concluded conference of the Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) held in Lagos in spite  of the dust raised by the former Borno State governor’s  manner of dressing .
Omokri ,a Social Media Influencer  argued that those mocking Shettima might be doing so ignorantly without necessarily weighing  the political implications  of their actions which he said  was given their “victim” more popularity without them knowing.
According to Omokri smart politicians across the world sometimes do something weird  to attract media attention and   knock a story of the front page.
“I am a deep thinker. I even think in my sleep. Too often, I have suddenly woken up in the early hours of the morning with a solution, or insight, to a challenge or puzzle, or riddle my mind was ideating upon.
” As a matter of fact, I Googled him, and behold, there was not one, but five photos of him properly suited up in well fitting suits, with the right button buttoned, and shod with the appropriate pair of shoes, including the power dressing he projected when he gave an interview to CNN.
“You see, when something is too obvious, then it may not be as obvious as we think. My intel on Shettima is that, like me, he is also a deep thinker. And unlike me, I am informed that he is very calculating. He is not vain. He is capable of looking the fool and wearing a poker face, if it will help him pull of a classic sleight of hand!”
“And knowing what I know about Senator Kashim Shettima, it was obvious to me that he knew better than to dress so shabbily to an event that the nation had been focusing on. He is a former banker. He is used to corporate dressing. He knows how to wear a suit and tie with the right pairs of shoes.
“Hillary Clinton one said “if I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle”. Nigerians are now laughing at Kashim Shettima. But the man is laughing at us. Everybody is taking about him.” Omokri .

One thought on “NBA Conference : How  Shettima  Fooled   Nigerians  Mocking Him – Reno OMOKRI 

  1. Thank you so much for your foresight Hon. Omokri. Senator Shetima’s dressing was not the issue at the NBS conference but some organized small and idle set minds were there to fool themselves thinking they could foolishly talk down distinguished H. E. Sen. Bola Ahmed Tinubu and H.E.Senator Shetima.
    Sen. Shetima’s imput was greater than their naive thinking as unpatriotic Nigerians. Can’t you see how the conference ended with thugery?
    Unless we individually and collectively rebrand our minds for a better tomorrow and a greater Nigeria, HATE will take us nowhere.

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