Nigeria’s Population is its Greatest Asset ,  NPC 

The Federal Commissioner representing Ekiti State in the National Population Commission (NPC), Mr. Ayodeji Ajayi, has declared that the Nigeria’s population advantage would continue to be its greatest asset if positively harnessed for national development.
Ajayi said this necessitated why the NPC was desirous of conducting a reliable and acceptable population and housing census in 2023, for proper  planning and development at all levels of government.
The NPC boss spoke, yesterday, in Ado Ekiti, at a 2-day State Compendium of Localities Workshop organised by the Commission to finalise and present the final list of localities for the 2023 population and housing census.
The workshop was attended by Local Government Chairmen, LG Staff, Traditional Rulers, representatives of towns, among others.
Addressing the participants, the NPC Commissioner, said the commission was resolute to rewrite the history positively and bequeathe onto the nation a population census that can drive national planning and development effectively.
“I want to assure Nigerians that the commission is irrevocably committed to positively rewrite history of censuses and deliver to this great nation accurate, reliable and acceptable census that will be purposefully relevant in the drive towards sustainable national development.
“Preparations for the census are on course and the NPC is confident that the prospect for accurate, reliable and acceptable census appears brighter than  ever.
“Without equivocation, our population remains our greatest asset if properly harnessed in order to make life worth living for our people”, Ajayi insisted.
Ajayi described the  compendium of localities as an indispensable tool for the conduct of accurate, reliable and acceptable population and housing census for our dear nation.
“The compendium of localities for a census is a tool for data dissemination as well as for national planning and development. The year 2023 census shall be released down to the lowest level
“The objective of the National Compendium of Localities Workshop is to compile all the localities demarcated during the EAD on local government areas basis showing the coverage and location on interactive maps.
“For the reason of creation of Local Council Development Areas, hard copies have been printed for  LG/LCDA chairmen to study, authenticate and  correct. Please, note however that more localities don’t translate to higher population for the LGA. They are just means to enable us join disparate data to ease census and enable easy interpretation.
“History will  be kind to our LG Chairmen if they cooperate with us and discharge this burden of responsibility placed on their shoulders very well.
The Inndependent National Electoral Commission’s Resident Electoral Commissioner in Ekiti, Dr. Adeniran Tella, represented by a State Director of INEC, Mr. Temitope Akanmu, expressed support for the planned 2023 census, saying it will make the nation assume better feat in economic prosperity.
tella said: “At various times, INEC and NPC have partnered to achieve progress and development for our nation in some projects we have executed together. INEC shall from 12th – 25th November performed a similar task like this by displaying the preliminary voter registers for claims and objections.
“I want our people to cooperate with us, because it this is part of what we make the success of the 2023 polls and population census.
As election plays vital role in  development,so also is the population census. The two are critical to the survival of any nation”.
Also, the Permanent Secretary, Ekiti State Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Mr. Oluwadare Jolumo, described census as an instrument of development any nation needs for proper economic planning.
“Census is very crucial to the development of the nation. Knowing the population of this state will help in providing the right economic policy and social amenities that will serve our people.
The Association of Local Goverment of Nigeria (ALGON), represented by Hon. Olusesan Okere, assured that his colleagues will deploy every resource at their disposal to back the commission to achieve success in the task of enumerating all Ekiti residents.

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