Osun Governorship Debate :  Come And Learn Act of Governance From Me – Oyetola tells co-contenders 

The Osun State  Governor Adegboyega Oyetola  has disclosed that he would be willing to teach his fellow  contestants  the rudiments of governance, if only they would be humble enough to learn.
Responding to specific questions at the Governorship Debate organised by Chsnnels Television in partnership with the Situation Room,Oyetola argued  that since  the agenda his opponents were planning to pursue are already being implemented  by his administration, there was no need to re-invent the wheel.
The governor explained that his administration wasxable to manage the stste little resources prudently without  incurring additional debt burden on the state .
He disclosed the hus government had also devised novel approach to offsetting the debt incurred by the previous administration without shortchanging the people of Osun in terms of provision of infrastructural development and workers welfare .
Oyetola  is seeking re-election on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC) for another four-year term .
Senator Ademola Adeleke of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and former Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives and candidate of the Labour Party, Yusuf Lasun, as well as Dr Oyegoke Omigbodun of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), and Dr Akin Ogunbiyi of the Accord Party participated in the debate.

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